////// XVE For Vista/Win7 Update 5 Beta 1 ////// ////// Visual Studio 2008 + VB.NET + .NET Framework 2.0 ////// Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Dim fb(&H200010), peek(4) As Byte Dim mn, type, l, rl, c, fail As Integer Dim ts As String Dim fin, fout As System.IO.FileStream If MsgBox("请注意,本程序仅供学习之用,请将生成文件立刻删除。" + vbCrLf + "对于使用本程序造成的任何后果,由使用者自行承担法律责任!谢绝跨省。" + vbCrLf + "点击[是],表示您同意自行承担所有责任!", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) <> MsgBoxResult.Yes Then Exit Sub Button2.Enabled = False For i = 0 To ListView1.Items.Count - 1 c = 0 ListView1.Items(i).SubItems(0).Text = "开始转换" Application.DoEvents() fin = New System.IO.FileStream(ListView1.Items(i).SubItems(1).Text, IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate) l = fin.Length fin.Read(fb, 0, &H200000) fin.Read(peek, 0, 4) mn = (Asc("R") - peek(1) + &H100) And &HFF If (((peek(2) + mn) And &HFF) = Asc("M") And ((peek(3) + mn) And &HFF) = Asc("F")) Then type = 1 GoTo ok End If mn = (&H26 - peek(1) + &H100) And &HFF If (((peek(2) + mn) And &HFF) = &HB2 And ((peek(3) + mn) And &HFF) = &H75) Then type = 2 GoTo ok End If mn = (Asc("L") - peek(1) + &H100) And &HFF If (((peek(2) + mn) And &HFF) = Asc("V")) Then type = 3 GoTo ok End If mn = (Asc("I") - peek(1) + &H100) And &HFF If (((peek(2) + mn) And &HFF) = Asc("F") And ((peek(3) + mn) And &HFF) = Asc("F")) Then type = 4 GoTo ok End If mn = (-peek(1) + &H100) And &HFF If (((peek(2) + mn) And &HFF) = 0) Then type = 5 GoTo ok End If mn = (-peek(1) + &H100) And &HFF If (((peek(2) + mn) And &HFF) = 1 And ((peek(3) + mn) And &HFF) = &HBA) Then type = 6 GoTo ok End If mn = (&H45 - peek(1) + &H100) And &HFF If (((peek(2) + mn) And &HFF) = &HDF And ((peek(3) + mn) And &HFF) = &HA3) Then type = 7 GoTo ok End If fout = New System.IO.FileStream(ListView1.Items(i).SubItems(1).Text + "1", IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate) fout.Write(fb, 0, &H200000) fout.Write(fb, 0, 4) fin.Read(fb, 0, &H100000) fout.Write(fb, 0, &H100000) ListView1.Items(i).SubItems(0).Text = "失败" Application.DoEvents() fail += 1 GoTo nxt ok: ts = Split("rmvb wmv flv avi mp4 mpg mkv")(type - 1) fout = New System.IO.FileStream(ListView1.Items(i).SubItems(1).Text + "." + ts, IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate) peek(0) = CByte(Val(Split("46 48 70 82 0 0 26")(type - 1))) For j = 1 To 3 peek(j) = CByte((CInt(peek(j)) + mn) And &HFF) Next fout.Write(peek, 0, 4) fin.Read(fb, 0, &H3FC) For j = 1 To &H3FC fb(j - 1) = CByte((CInt(fb(j - 1)) + mn) And &HFF) Next fout.Write(fb, 0, &H3FC) While fin.Position <= l rl = fin.Read(fb, 0, &H40000) If rl = 0 Then Exit While fout.Write(fb, 0, rl) c = c + 1 If c = 10 Then ListView1.Items(i).SubItems(0).Text = "转换" + Trim(Str(Format(fout.Position / (l - &H200000) * 100, "0"))) + "%" Application.DoEvents() ProgressBar1.Value = Int(Math.Round(fout.Position / (l - &H200000) * 100)) c = 0 End If End While ListView1.Items(i).SubItems(0).Text = "完成转换" Application.DoEvents() nxt: fin.Close() fout.Close() Next MsgBox("转换结束" + vbCrLf + Trim(Str(ListView1.Items.Count - fail)) + "成功," + Trim(Str(fail)) + "失败" + IIf(fail <> 0, "请将目标文件下生成的错误信息文件%s发给作者,以便及时解决问题。" + vbCrLf + "注:该文件为xv文件的前3MB内容,不含有任何涉及您的隐私的信息。" + vbCrLf + "作者的电子邮件:692827763@qq.com", "")) ProgressBar1.Value = 0 Button2.Enabled = True End Sub
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